A Thought to a Stronghold

Published: March 9, 2019
Post updated July 24, 2023
By: Brian C Jenkins
Joshua 6:20 / 2 Corinthians 10:3-6

When the people heard the sound of the rams’ horns, they shouted as loud as they could. Suddenly, the walls of Jericho collapsed, and the Israelites charged straight into the town and captured it. 

Joshua 6:20

At the end of Joshua 5 and chapter 6, we read of a time when Joshua and the people of Israel experienced a supernatural event to bring down Jericho’s walls. Further research revealed an interesting YouTube video by Bryant Wood called The Walls of Jericho, which discusses Jericho from an archaeological perspective.

Over the years, many Pastors have preached about Faith being used to get heaven to move on earth. The Faith, the Israelites, displayed to watch God collapse the walls is remarkable. However, the purpose of this blog is not to piggyback off those who previously taught how the walls came down with Faith. The goal is to bridge the gap that addresses the stronghold and why Faith brought it down.

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience when our obedience is complete. 

2 Corinthians 10:4-6

Our lives have strongholds that cannot be addressed simply by saying, “Stop doing that.” The walls can get very high (lofty) and broad, depending on the fortress type. With strongholds thick, the only way to overcome them is through divine intervention.

What is a stronghold?



It is essential to understand the following point; God is sovereign and in control. He speaks about everything we could deal with in his written Word. We must realize that if we seek Jesus, we will find our steps full of life. If we seek everything else, life escapes us. It is just a matter of how long God will let a person stay against him at that point. In other words, how long can someone think they are in control? 

Think about it; anything considered a priority outside of our Lord Jesus Christ is regarded as an idol. Idolatry opens the door to the type of fruit that withers away, primarily when it is rooted in pride and selfishness. Therefore, we can then conclude that life is in Christ alone. When we seek Jesus, we find the Knowledge of God.

The Knowledge of God?

All treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in God. The mystery of God is Jesus, and all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in him, Colossians 2:2-4. There is a high cost for giving up the knowledge of God. It causes a person not to glorify or give thanks to him. Romans 1:21-31 says when that happens, that person’s heart will darken. The moment that happens, the Bible calls it, exchanging the glory of God for idols. The Bible says in verse 24 that God gave them over to sinful desires and sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.

ALERT: One way to tell that God has given you over to sinful desires is when you know your desire is evil, yet the people around you agree that it’s good.

Paul is writing to believers about what it looks like for people to choose to be against God. They start by failing to acknowledge or thank him for everything since everything we have and own comes from him. Verse 22 says they claimed to be wise, yet they became fools. According to Proverbs 2:6, the Lord gives wisdom. That means they recognized God in some way. When we are born, no one teaches us how to sin. We have to learn the way of The Lord. Part of that way is learning how to hear from him. We must learn to give in and tear down the walls that keep us from his spirit. Otherwise, we just become foolish.

Point: The choice to turn our back to God is the process of building strongholds in our minds.
Hosea 4:6 & 2 Corinthians 10:5

Making a choice not to seek Jesus is what destroys us. Why? Because the barrier (stronghold) between soul and spirit keeps us from learning & retaining the knowledge of God.

How do we know we are dealing with a stronghold? 

We go through trials to learn how to operate from God’s perspective in every situation. Please click on Trials and Temptation. A stronghold does not start as such. A fortress is built over time, brick by brick. In other words, it gets made idea after idea—argument after argument. A lot of times, Satan will plant the weed seed with the intention that it will bloom into full-blown sin one day.

“You never have to teach your children how to lie or throw a temper tantrum because we are all born sinful.” 
-Dr. Tony Evans. 


Let’s say a child grows up in an environment where fist fighting is the way to resolve anger. In every anger situation, the child will grow into thinking, “I will throw hands.” As the child becomes a young man, it becomes difficult to understand that it is not a safe or productive way to resolve anger. 

Point: An idea can become a desire, which turns into sin and death.

Let us think for a second about the word stronghold. It is a wall. When there are many walls, it is considered a fortress. A fortress can be a building or buildings used to fortify a position; in this case, the mind. A fort has multiple entities working simultaneously to create an atmosphere and culture where the stronghold can remain fortified.

How can an entire culture stem from one thought? 

One of the parameters of this life is that we are continually growing. We have a choice to grow with Jesus or against him. The problem is that if we choose not to believe him, the growth we experience outside his covering has consequences called curses. 

Different people react differently to an altercation. Some people don’t run toward a fight. They remove themselves from the situation and let whoever is acting up knock each other out.

Ezekiel 20 explains God’s viewpoint from when Israel was in Egypt to the promised land. They continually decided to go against God. They would not stop worshiping the fake idols of Egypt (Adultery). They would not observe God’s plan for them to rest and dwell with God (Sabbath). God says he is Holy, and when we celebrate the Sabbath, we are then Holy. Why? It is about making time to chill with the Lord. It sounds a lot like the prayer Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane when he asked the Father to teach us unity, right?

The problem is, *drum roll*, they would not listen. God continually pleaded with his people to believe him. Nevertheless, they chose to go against him time after time, generation after generation. 

Every curse starts with God removing himself from the situation because of a darkened heart. Therefore, he hands them over to their shameful lusts and desires. He does this for several reasons, Ezekiel 20:39;43-44. First, to stop a person from polluting God’s holy name. No more gifts (lack of thanks), and no more idols (lack of glorifying God). Second, a person must remember what they have done. Why should a person remember? The answer is the third reason. We will eventually see his loving grace-full bloom. Why? Because he will deal with us, not based on our corrupt practices but by his namesake, Jesus Christ. 

God had made promises beyond what was remarkable for Israel, but they continued to choose other idols. God continued to lead them out not because of Israel’s merit but for his namesake. In other words, God stayed true to what he said he would do because he said he would do it. That is the God we serve. He gets the ultimate Glory.

For example, let us consider the topic of music. We can see how God uses music in the Bible. What is the purpose behind the music? The purpose behind the music is to give God glory and to be thankful. The more in-depth our praise, the more we notice a prophetic connection with Jesus. David is the perfect example of the depth of his praise. He was so in tune with God through music that he was able to prophesy the thoughts of Christ. Click HERE & HERE for a couple of examples. 

Remember, many Psalms were written and sung well before Jesus was born. How wonderful it is when we embrace Christ through music. David was very close to God and frequently prophesied through song and dance. Music connects us to Christ in a very different way. Suppose this is the case; we can begin to understand the passion and depth of Christ’s mind through music. That said, it logically makes sense that the enemy would twist music to keep our eyes on ourselves.

How does this work? 

As believers in Jesus Christ, he sends the Holy Spirit to reside in our spirit. The Holy Spirit brings Life to the written Word. Life flows from the Father into his son Jesus. Jesus then flows Life through the Holy Spirit, which resides with our own. As we search the written Word, the Holy Spirit attaches that Life from on high, through our soul (the way we think, feel, and act) so that we can see it manifest in our Physical Life. It is how we see the Bible come alive before our very eyes. As God’s children, Satan cannot have us make the connection between our Savior and us. To ensure God’s children stay disconnected, he twists (for example) music in an atmosphere that centers around selfish, sinful desires. Over time, we lose our desire to want to connect with God. That happens because we build strongholds in our minds to keep out the conviction, power, and authority of the Holy Spirit. The question is, how?

Remember, Paul said anything contrary to God’s Word. Listening to music is supposed to allow us to prophetically connect to God to strengthen, encourage, and comfort us. Essentially, it is a way to help build up the church. In other words, to build us up as the Bride of Christ. Satan uses music to disconnect us from God and tear us down as individuals, which affects our communities. Think about it. God hates pride. Nevertheless, the number one thing we hear in any song is what ” I ” did where “I” have been. How “I” treat people. “I” do not have to explain anything but make money. Why listen to the law? “I” can have things my way. It is someone else fault. “I” need someone in my life. Etc. Since this type of music and atmosphere is contrary to God’s Word, it is an atmosphere that fills us with curses. Galatians 1:6-10Galatians 5:7-8.

If we dwell and abide in an atmosphere conducive to the allowance of disconnection from Eternal Life, eventually, we will be given to a depraved mind. In other words, God gives a person over to their lust and desires. That person will then accept unnatural relations. That is the beginning of the filling of every kind of wickedness, Romans 1:26-32.

If you are dealing with strongholds in your life that have you feeling like, “I am an addict,” “This is just who I am,” “Nobody is perfect,” “I am not Jesus,” or “I am just not there yet,” understand that God is greater than the lofty thing that has you, hostage. The more we know, the easier it is to connect heaven to our reality. See Connecting Heaven with our Home. We must know our identity in Christ. See Identity Crisis.

No structure can be built within our minds that God can not break down. Proverbs 21:22 The walls of Jericho were thought to be impenetrable. In other words, they made a wall to disconnect from any truth other than their own. Nevertheless, as high and strong as that stronghold was, it could not hold up against the LORD God. God used Joshua’s obedience by Faith to intervene and bring those walls down. 

We must believe that God can tear down any partition within us. Sometimes, that means admitting things to Godly people who have Biblical intentions to help us. Sometimes, we have to enter Bible-based programs. Whatever the decision, we must first learn to destroy false ideas and arguments and seek Jesus.

Thank you for reading my blog. Please comment and let me know how God has blessed your Life. We currently have a group called Christ Seekers on Facebook if you need prayer for anything. We have prayer warriors who will pray for you and help if you need help, even if it is just to point you in the right direction.

God bless you and yours. Stay Salty!


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Published by Brian Jenkins

To increase our knowledge of Jesus Christ!

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